The LOMETTA logo. Click to go to the About page.

“We can bring back everything that was lost, but it's up to us. We can stay separated by fear and distrust, or we can choose friendship. We can choose love. That's the true magic.”
Sunny Starscout, A New Generation

About me

Name's Luna Lometta.

# 18 years old transfem who's exponentially going more insane by the second.
# Visual artist, UI designer and beginner programmer.
# Manjaro, Void, Debian and Arch user. Unfortunately, also using Windows on bare metal.

Where to find me:

# I am primarily using Discord. You are free to add me even if you don't necessarily want to talk.
# I basically never post on any social media. Don't expect this to change any time soon.

Check More links to find profile picture credits.

# The reason they aren't on the main page is because I thought of the old links a little too late.
# You'll find more stuff there, though.
# Update [2023-12-11]: I still didn't move them to the main page. I'll do it someday... probably.
# Update [2024-03-11]: So, how's moving the links going?

Other links

# External websites. These will take you off The PFP credits are hosted on Pastebin. is, well,

Adding me on Discord

# At the present time, I do not have any public servers.
# You can add me on Discord using the username below:
# If that does not work (for example: if it tells you that I don't accept incoming requests),
# try reaching out to me on another platform so I can temporarily allow them or add you myself.

Contacting me on Matrix

# I don't use Matrix all that much. But if you'd like to contact me on it, you are free to do so:


# This website was last updated on 2024-04-14 @ 17:29 (EET)
# Version 3.3b
# I don't care if the layout of this Carrd starts being unbearable on mobile. I design for desktop.# All assets with the exception of the icons on buttons have been made by LUNA LOMETTA herself.# To create and host these web pages, has been used.
# Notice the annoying and irremovable watermark below.